Welcome to the Elder's Handbook for the Chapel by the Sea of Fort Myers Beach. This handbook and its pages were created for the Elder Training in 2009 and is occasionally updated as needed.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


(Source: Peace River Presbytery)
The minutes will be reviewed annual by the Presbytery. This review will look for the following items. Keeping these in mind will help you know how to keep the minutes of the session.

1.1 Are the minutes kept in a permanent binder?
1.2 Is the name of the church on the front cover?
1.3 Are the pages numbered consecutively?
1.4 Are t he pages numbered permanently?
1.5 Are the minutes typed or written legibly in ink?

2.1 Were the meetings held at least quarterly?
2.2 Is the king of meeting (Stated or Called) indicated?
2.3 Date of the meeting?
2.4 Hour of the meeting?
2.5 The place of the meeting?
2.6 The name of the moderator (and if it is not the pastor, then an explanation)?
2.7 Names of persons attending?
2.8 Names of persons excused?
2.9 Is a quorum indicated (G-10.0202)?
2.10 Was every meeting opened with prayer (G-9.0301b)?
2.11 Was ever meeting closed with prayer (G-9.0301b)?
2.12 Were the minutes of the previous meetings approved?
2.13 Were minutes signed by the moderator?
2.14 Were minutes signed by the clerk?
2.15 Did session conduct a compensation review for all employees?
2.16 Did Session approve, in advance, the plans for Continuing Education?
2.17 Did the Pastor report to the Session on his or her Continuing Education Leave?
2.18 Was a joint meeting with the Board of Deacons held during the year?
2.19 Did Session review the records of the Deacons and Trustees?
2.20 Do the minutes record the representative composition of Session?
2.21 Do the minutes record the examination of new officers?
2.22 Does Session review the reports of all of its Committees?
2.23 Has Session approved the Christian Education curriculum?

3.1 Do the minutes reflect the election of commissioners to Presbytery? G-10.0102p(1]).
3.1-2 Do the minutes reflect the reports of the commissioners to Presbytery?
3.2 Members received, including names, how received, children (G-10.0102b)
3.4 Is the annual audit or financial review noted in the minutes? G-10.0401e,d (Name of firm, or committee members’ names, and date should be recorded.
3.5 Do the minutes reflect the vote to call a congregational meeting?

4.0 Do the minutes record that the annual statistical report?
4.1 Is a copy of the report in the Minutes book?

5.1 Were the congregational meetings properly called? G-7.0303
5.2 Are minutes of the Congregational meetings included in the Session minutes book? G-7.0307
5.3 Are minutes of the Congregational meetings attested by both the Moderator and the Clerk? G-7.0307
5.4 Did the congregation hold an annual meeting? G-7.0302
5.5 Election of Elders/Deacons held?
5.6 Did the congregation approve any changes in the terms of call (compensation) of the pastoral relationship?
5.7 Do the minutes show the presence of a quorum? G-7.0305
5.8 Was business limted to matters authorized by the Book of Order? G-7,0304
5.9 Is the church incorporated, and if so, was an annual meeting held with the president presiding?
5.10 Was a representative Nominating Committee elected by the congregation? G-14.0201b

6.0 Are the following Registers maintained up-to-date in accordance with the Book of Order? G-10.0302 – 10.0302c
6.1 Marriages
6.2 Infant Baptisms
6.3 Adult Baptisms
6.4 Elders/Deacons roll
6.5 Deaths
6.6 Pastors roll
6.7 Co-pastors, Associate Pastors, Interim Pastors, Stated Supplies, Parish Associates, Designated Pastors as applicable.
6.8 Has the Roll of Membership been reviewed?

7.0 Are there any irregularities or inconsistencies with Presbyterian procedure to which attention should be called?
7.1 Did you note any emerging or potential problems in the life of this church to which the Presbytery should direct attention?