Welcome to the Elder's Handbook for the Chapel by the Sea of Fort Myers Beach. This handbook and its pages were created for the Elder Training in 2009 and is occasionally updated as needed.

Thursday, July 16, 2009




The task of the church’s Clerk of Session is to primarily be the recording secretary for the Session and the Congregational meetings.


What the Book of Order’s Form of Government has to say about the work of the Clerk of Session:

G-3:0104.     The clerk of the Session is a ruling elder, but not necessarily a voting member of Session.  The clerk records the transactions of the council, keeps its rolls of membership and attendance, preserves its records carefully, and furnishes extracts from them when required by another church council of the church. Such extracts, verified by the clerk, shall be evidence in any governing body of the church.


The clerk of the session shall be an elder elected by the session for such term as it may determine.


G-1.0505.The clerk of the session shall be secretary of meetings of the congregation.


The General Assembly offered this interpretation of the Book of Order in 1988: An elder, not currently active on session, may serve as clerk of session. (GA 1988, 137, 12.187, Com. 4-88).  


Procedures for the Clerk of Session


“The clerk shall record the transactions of the governing body…”

1.         The Clerk or the Moderator will form the agenda and distribute the agenda and all reports to the session members prior to the meeting.

2.         The Clerk keeps the minutes of the session meetings. 

4.         During the meeting, the Clerk should have access to minutes of previous meetings on hand so as to answer questions and provide information to the session as needed about previous actions.  It is best to have a laptop available with an electronic copy of the previous minutes in the form of a single document that can be searched quickly during the meeting.

5.         At the conclusion of the meeting, the moderator or clerk will often send an email to all elders summing up Session’s actions.  This is an unofficial report of the Session.

6.         The moderator or the clerk will provide a summation of each meeting for the newsletter.

7.         The clerk will type the minutes and distribute to the elders.  This should not be difficult if the clerk uses the printed agenda as a starting point.  To do this, the clerk should:


a.         Begin with an electronic copy of the agenda.

b.         Type into the agenda additional information.  For example, with a motion, the Clerk will not need to retype the motion, as it is in the agenda.  The Clerk will simply need to note the motion was made and seconded (if a second is needed) and whether it passed or failed.  It may also be necessary to add motions, such as an amendment to change the wording of the original motion.

c.         The Clerk should add to the agenda a list of those present, excused or unexcused. 

d.         The Clerk should add to the agenda the time the meeting adjourned.

e.         The pastor’s report should appear as part of the text of the minutes.

f.          The Clerk should submit this typed copy of the minutes to the next Session meeting for approval.

8.         After the minutes are approved by the Session, a copy should be prepared on special paper (the office staff can assist).  The clerk and moderator should sign the minutes.  This copy should be added to the bound book of minutes kept in an appropriate place.


“The clerk shall … keep its rolls of membership and attendance…”

1.         When a request for membership into Chapel by the Sea is received the clerk should send a letter, or form, to that person’s previous church informing them of the transfer of membership.  The clerk records in the Membership Roll Book the appropriate information.  A membership number is assigned to that member and the Church Administrator is informed of that number.

2.         When a request for membership out of Chapel by the Sea is received the Clerk should present that request to the Session during the Clerk’s Report.  Once the Session has voted, then the clerk will respond to the receiving church that such action has been taken.  Appropriate notation of the transfer will be made in the Membership Roll Book.  The  Church Administrator is informed of this action.

3.         The clerk will record in the appropriate register book the ordination and installation of each elder.

4.         The clerk will keep track of the attendance of each elder at the meetings of the session, receiving notices of excuses and reporting those to the session.  In the event that an elder has been routinely absent (more than three consecutive meetings), the clerk should bring that matter to the Session’s attention.


“The clerk shall …  furnish extracts from them (the records) when required by another governing body of the church. Such extracts, verified by the clerk, shall be evidence in any governing body of the church.”

1.         The clerk will be attentive to the Presbytery of Peace River’s schedule for reviewing session records.

2.         The clerk will submit the books when requested.

3.         The clerk will be responsible for the return of the records to the church.


“The clerk of the session shall be secretary of meetings of the congregation….”

1.         The clerk will be present at the meetings of the congregation. 

2.         The clerk will keep the minutes of the meeting of the congregation and present them to the session for approval.



Other responsibilities not specified in the Book of Order:

1.         A lot of correspondence is received addressed to the clerk; e.g. from Presbytery.  The clerk of Session will review the correspondence and handle accordingly, often routing to the appropriate ministry team chairperson for handling.   Depending on the nature, the clerk may want to include some as informational items in the next session agenda.  Not every letter needs to be shared with the Session, and the Moderator can assist in determining what deserves the Session’s time and attention.

2.         The clerk will occasionally sign correspondence and forms as officer of the church.

3.         At Chapel by the Sea the Clerk of Session acts as the Secretary or clerk of the Corporation (By Laws of the Chapel by the Sea, Article III Section 2).

4.         Each year the General Assembly and Presbytery will expect each congregation to submit an Annual Statistical Report.  Most of this information is gathered by the office staff using the computer records.  The clerk may be asked to provide a signature to this report.

5.         The clerk is responsible for reminding the session to elect commissioners to the Presbytery meetings.  This can be done annually or prior to each individual meeting.

6.         The clerk must occasionally complete various forms for Presbytery, or to provide a signature attesting to session’s approval of a specific matter.

7.         The clerk maintains the policies and history of the church.  For the policies, the official set is maintained online so all can have equal access.  To update the policies, use the clerk's email address as the login, followed by entering the password.  Always be sure that the “post” INDEX is dated more recently than any of the policies.  This will enable anyone who views the policies to see the index first, rather than the most recent policy.  This makes the policies easy to find.  If a new policy is added, the clerk will need to update the index page.