An elder not currently serving on Session should never be referred to as an “inactive elder.” Even while not on Session, an elder is always actively involved in the role of the spiritual leader. Therefore – let’s call the elder not currently serving on Session as an “elder in reserve” rather than an “inactive elder.” As with the military reserves, an elder in reserve might be called to active service with the Session at any time.
When an elder has completed the term of service on the Session, that person remains an ordained elder. While we install elders onto the Session for up to three years of service, we ordain elders for a life-time of ministry.
An elder in reserve should always seek ways to:
strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation
encourage the people in worship and service of God
equip and renew the people for their tasks within the Church
equip and renew the people for their mission in the world
visit and comfort and care for the people
give specific attention to the poor, the sick, the lonely, and those who are oppressed
inform the pastor of those people needing visits, attention, or care
inform the pastor of those structures in the church needing attention
cultivate an ability to teach the Bible
As an elder in reserve, one might be asked to assist in the serving of the Lord’s Supper, serve as the Clerk of Session or as a voting Commissioner to the Presbytery.