Welcome to the Elder's Handbook for the Chapel by the Sea of Fort Myers Beach. This handbook and its pages were created for the Elder Training in 2009 and is occasionally updated as needed.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


To care for the financial and physical resources of the Chapel by the Sea and to communicate to the congregation information concerning those resources.

Chair: a member of Session
Liaison: Church Administrator, ex-officio member (voice without vote)
Other members should include church members who have a knowledge of financial management, accounting and investing. It will be helpful to have a liaison from the Stewardship Committee.

IN CARING FOR THE FINANCIAL RESOURCES, the tasks of this committee include:
1. Supervising the counting, recording, and distribution of the offerings, taking care to ensure the safety and accountability of these funds.
2. Establishing the annual budget
3. Making recommendations to the Session regarding special offerings or designated funds.
4. Obtaining and maintaining property and liability insurance coverage to protect the facilities, programs, and officers, including members of the session, staff, board of trustees, and deacons.
5. Maintaining the financial reports, making sure the church operates within both the budget and the available cash.
6. Managing our bank accounts, investments and endowments.
7. Determining the job description of the Church Treasurer.
8. Working closely with the Church Administrator and the Church Treasurer and being assisted by, and providing assistance to this individual in a collegial relationship.
9. Securing and training volunteers to count and deposit the weekly offering.
10. Receiving/liquidating stocks, securities, real estate and other non-cash gifts.
11. Dealing with leases and contracts involving equipment
12. Maintaining a sub committee to handle the Memorial Fund
13. Handling lines of credit, credit cards, vendor accounts, petty cash and cash advances.
14. Dealing with issues related to reimbursement of expenses to staff and volunteers
15. Being responsible for requisitioning, purchasing and accounts payable
16. Ensuring that we follow excellent accounting practices and procedures and arranging for an annual audit or financial review.

IN CARING FOR THE PROPERTY RESOURCES the tasks of this committee include:
1. Proving for the management of the property of the church,
2. Managing fixed assets
3. Arranging for the care of our landscaping
4. Caring for the beauty of the interior and exterior
5. Approving requests from new groups wishing to use the building or facilities (routine scheduling of approved groups is handled by the church office staff)
6. Preparing for hurricane or other emergency response
7. Working with independent contractors
8. Maintaining security and alarm systems
9. Maintaining the church vehicles and approving drivers
10. Working with the sexton in planning repairs and improvements and securing volunteers and/or contract workers to implement these tasks.


Bank Accounts 02:001

Cash Advance 02:002

Weekly Contributions 02:003

Fixed Assets 02:004

Gifts of Securities by Chapel Contributors 02:005

Insurance and Bonding 02:006

Leases and Contracts 02:007

Memorial Funds 02:008

Non-Cash Gifts 02:009

Open Credit/Vendor Accounts 02:010

Petty Cash 02:011

Presbyterian Foundation Fund Investments 02:012

Reimbursement of Expenses 02:013

Requisitioning, Purchasing and Accounts Payable 02:014

Accounting Practices 02:015

Approving Expenses and Disbursements (including Restricted Funds) 02:016